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Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud

Photoshop is one of the most widely used software programs in the world. It is utilized for designing logos, brochures, websites, books, re-touching photos, digital art, presentations, content creation, and illustrations, etc. This three-day course is designed to get you up and running and proficient on Photoshop, beginning with an exploration of its interface and how to master all of its tools, layers and channels. The student will also learn about the advantages of incorporating Adobe Bridge to manage and organize your projects’ media. This class is ideal for anyone just starting out with Photoshop, or for teams to be able to communicate effectively with their graphics department, and for all kinds of developers or artists interested in increasing their skill level and creativity. This course is taught by an expert Adobe Certified Instructor.

  • Price: N/A
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Delivery Methods: Virtual
Date Time Price Option
Please contact us at or 469-721-6100 for this course schedule.
For questions call: (469) 721-6100

Why choose

  • Get assistance every step of the way from our Texas-based team, ensuring your training experience is hassle-free and aligned with your goals.
  • Access an expansive range of over 3,000 training courses with a strong focus on Information Technology, Business Applications, and Leadership Development.
  • Have confidence in an exceptional 95% approval rating from our students, reflecting outstanding satisfaction with our course content, program support, and overall customer service.
  • Benefit from being taught by Professionally Certified Instructors with expertise in their fields and a strong commitment to making sure you learn and succeed.
Application Overview
  • Vector vs. Pixel images
  • Using Adobe Bridge with Photoshop
  • The New User Interface – Toolbar, Panels & Workspaces
  • Menu Customization
  • Understanding Vector vs. Raster-based images
  • Image Resolution & Anti-aliasing
The Work Area
  • Opening & Saving files
  • Working with Palettes
  • Using online Help
  • Using Rulers
  • Guides
  • Grid
Document Dimensions
  • New Documents
  • Resolution vs. File Size
  • Canvas Size
  • Enlarging Canvas size
  • Rotating Canvas
  • Crop Tool
  • Shielding Cropped Area
  • Crop & Straighten
Views and Navigation
  • Views
  • Fit on Screen
  • Actual Pixels
  • Print Size
  • View Zoom
  • Menu
  • Zoom Tool
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Moving Around
  • Hand tool
  • Navigator Palette
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
  • New View(s)
Undo and the History Palette
  • Undo Redo/Revert
  • History Palette
  • Stepping Back in “Time”
History Palette Features
Adobe Bridge
  • Enhanced File Management & Automated Output
  • Batch Renaming Images
  • Applying Ratings, Labels & Keywords to Images
Setting Preferences
  • Resetting Preferences
  • Setting Preferences
  • General Preferences
  • Saving Files Preferences
  • Display and Cursor Preferences
  • Transparency and Gamut Preferences
  • Units and Rulers Preferences
  • Guides and Grid Preferences
  • Plugins and Scratch Disks
  • Image Cache Preferences
  • Assigning RAM to Photoshop
Image, Size, Resolution and Composition
  • Resizing Files for Print & Web
  • Content Aware Scale
  • Working with Depth of Field (Blur Gallery & Image Stacks)
  • Organizing Artwork on Layers
  • Different Types of Photoshop Layers
  • Creating and Viewing Layers
  • Selecting and Removing Artwork on a Layer
  • Rearranging Layers
  • Changing the Opacity of a Layer
  • Linking Layers
  • Adding a Gradient Mask to a Layer
  • Adding a Layer Effect/Style
  • Flattening Layers and Saving Files
  • Different Types of Photoshop Layers
  • Using Layer Groups
  • Blending Modes
  • Layer Opacity
Painting and Editing
  • Painting Tools
  • Brush Tool
  • Eraser Tool
  • Clone Tool
  • Pencil Tool
  • Line Tool
  • Filling with Color with Paint Bucket Tool and Fill Menu
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Painting & Editing images
  • Selecting a Paint or Editing Brush
  • Hard-Edge vs. Soft Edge
  • Adjusting Opacity
  • Painting Within a Selection
  • Erasing Tools
  • Airbrushing and Smudging
  • Gradients
  • Using Pre-defined gradients
  • Editing Gradients
Colors Modes
  • Color Modes & Uses
  • RGB Mode
  • CMYK Mode
  • Grey Scale Mode
  • Bitmap Mode
  • Selecting Colors
  • Eyedropper Tool
  • Foreground/Background Colors
  • Color Palette
  • Swatch Palette
  • Apply Foreground & Background Colors
  • Using the Color Sliders to Mix Colors
  • Using the Color Picker and Eyedropper Tool
Masks, Selections and Channels
  • Defining Masks, Selections, and Alpha Channels
  • Creating a Quick Mask
  • Editing a Quick Mask
  • Making a Mask as a Selection
  • Refine Edges
  • Using the Selection tools
  • Rectangular Marquee Tool
  • Ellipitical Marquee Tool
  • Modying & Feathering Selections
  • Hiding and Saving Selections
  • The Lasso tools
  • Using the Magic Wand
  • The Quick Selection tool
  • Moving a Selection
  • Adding and Subtracting Selections
  • Via Option Bar
  • Via Keyboard shortcuts
  • Editing Selections
  • Moving a Selection
  • Selection Only
  • Image Selection
  • Transforming a Selection
  • Modifying Selections
  • Inversing Selections
  • Saving a Selection
  • Loading a Selection
  • Image Crop
  • The Crop Tool
  • Rotation During Crop
  • Using the Navigator Palette & Key Navigation Shortcuts
  • Zoom Options, Hand tool, Bird’s-eye View
Moving and Transforming Pixels
  • Using the Move Tool
  • Using the Free Transform & Transform commands – Flip, Warp & Puppet Warp
Crop and Straighten Images
  • Cropping & Resizing Images
  • Fixing Perspective & Crooked Images
Working with Depth of Field
  • Stacking Images – to Add Depth of Field
  • Blur Filters – to Remove Depth of Field
Image Adjustment and Color Correction
  • Using the Adjustments Panel: Levels, Color Balance & Hue/Saturation, Photo Filter
  • Applying Masks for Color Correction in Specific Areas of an Image
  • Correcting Difficult Images: Match Color & Shadow/Highlight
  • Using Variations
Retouching and Repairing Images
  • Using the Spot Healing Brush, Healing Brush, Patch Tool, Clone Stamp Tool & Red Eye Tool Using the Liquify Filter
  • Using Burn & Dodge Tools
Vanishing Point Filter
  • Adding Elements and Retouching in Perspective
Text and Type Effects
  • Using the Text Tools
  • Using Layer Styles
  • Setting Type
  • Font, Style, Size, Alignment
  • Color
  • Warped Text Effects
  • Anti-Alias Settings
  • Using Palettes
Compositing Images
  • Blending Images with Layer Masks
  • Using the Masks Panel & Quick Mask
  • Saving & Loading Selections
  • Using the Magic Wand
  • Modifying & Feathering Selections
  • Hiding & Saving Selections
The Brush Tool
  • Setting Brush Options and Modifying Brush Shapes
  • Essential Brush & Masking Shortcuts
Compositing and Blending Images
  • Adding Layers
  • White Balancing Images
  • Applying Filters & Effects
  • Applying Color Adjustments to specific layers
  • Using the Gradient Tool and Editing & Creating Gradients
  • Tinting Images with Gradients & Fills
  • Eyedropper & Paint Bucket Tools
  • Applying Blending Modes to Layers
  • Changing Canvas size
  • Using Pixel & Vector Masks
  • Editing Masks with Brushes and Masks Panel
  • Using Paste Into
  • Warping Pixels
Extracting Images from Complex Backgrounds
  • Editing Transparency Grid preferences
  • Using the Erase & Smudge Tools
Aligning and Blending Multiple Images
  • Creating Panoramas
  • Auto-aligning Images
  • Using Content Aware Fill
Layer Comps and Photoshop Scripts
  • Managing Different Design Variations
  • Using Scripts to Export Comps
Color Profiles
  • Applying & Using Custom Color Profiles
  • Adding Tonal Adjustments to Images
Sharpening Images
  • Sharpening Images with Filters
  • Blur
  • Filter Gallery, including: Artistic, Sketch, Stylize & Texture
  • Using Smart Filters
Text, Styles and Shapes
  • Adding Type
  • Creating and Adding Layer Styles
  • Using Custom Shapes
  • Working with Shape Layers
  • Adding Custom Shapes
Using Smart Objects
  • Importing Vector Files
  • Rasterizing Vectors
  • Creating Smart Objects Editing
  • Smart Object Layers
Printing Files
  • Print With Preview
  • Scaling to fit
  • More Options
  • Output options
Saving Files
  • Layered Formats
  • Photoshop
  • TIFF with layers
  • PDF
  • Flat Format
  • TIFF
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • Application Overview
  • The Work Area
  • Document Dimensions
  • Views and Navigation
  • Undo and the History Palette
  • Adobe Bridge
  • Setting Preferences
  • Image, Size, Resolution and Composition
  • Layers
  • Painting and Editing
  • Colors Modes
  • Masks, Selections and Channels
  • Cropping
  • Navigation
  • Moving and Transforming Pixels
  • Crop and Straighten Images
  • Working with Depth of Field
  • Image Adjustment and Color Correction
  • Retouching and Repairing Images
  • Vanishing Point Filter
  • Text and Type Effects
  • Compositing Images
  • The Brush Tool
  • Compositing and Blending Images
  • Extracting Images from Complex Backgrounds
  • Aligning and Blending Multiple Images
  • Layer Comps and Photoshop Scripts
  • Color Profiles
  • Sharpening Images
  • Text, Styles and Shapes
  • Using Smart Objects
  • Printing Files
  • Saving Files

This class is ideal for anyone just starting out with Photoshop, or for teams to be able to communicate effectively with their graphics department, and for all kinds of developers or artists interested in increasing their skill level and creativity.

Basic understanding of a personal computer is required. Graphic arts knowledge is also helpful.

Ten (10) business days’ notice is required to reschedule a class with no additional fees. Notify TOPTALENT LEARNING as soon as possible at 469-721-6100 or by written notification to to avoid rescheduling penalties.
Please contact our team at 469-721-6100; we will gladly guide you through the online purchasing process.
You will receive a receipt and an enrollment confirmation sent to the email you submitted at purchase. Your enrollment email will have instructions on how to access the class. Any additional questions our team is here to support you. Please call us at 469-721-6100.
If a student is 15 minutes late, they risk losing their seat to a standby student. If a student is 30 minutes late or more, they will need to reschedule. A no-show fee will apply. Retakes are enrolled on a stand-by basis. The student must supply previously issued courseware. Additional fees may apply.
You will receive a ‘Certificate of Completion’ once you complete the class. If you purchased an exam voucher for the class, a team member from TOPTALENT LEARNING will reach out to discuss your readiness for the voucher and make arrangements to send it.