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Hands-on Data Analysis with Pandas (TTPS4878)

Data analysis has become a necessary skill in a variety of domains where knowing how to work with data and extract insights can generate significant value. Geared for data team members with incoming Python scripting experience, Hands-On Data Analysis with Pandas will show you how to analyze your data, get started with machine learning, and work effectively with Python libraries often used for data science, such as pandas, NumPy, matplotlib, seaborn, and scikit-learn.

Using real-world datasets, you will learn how to use the powerful pandas library to perform data wrangling to reshape, clean, and aggregate your data. Then, you will be able to conduct exploratory data analysis by calculating summary statistics and visualizing the data to find patterns. In the concluding lessons, you will explore some applications of anomaly detection, regression, clustering, and classification using scikit-learn to make predictions based on past data.  Students will leave the course armed with the skills required to use pandas to ensure the veracity of their data, visualize it for effective decision-making, and reliably reproduce analyses across multiple datasets.

  • Price: $2,195.00
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Delivery Methods: Virtual
Date Time Price Option
Please contact us at or 469-721-6100 for this course schedule.
For questions call: (469) 721-6100

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  • Get assistance every step of the way from our Texas-based team, ensuring your training experience is hassle-free and aligned with your goals.
  • Access an expansive range of over 3,000 training courses with a strong focus on Information Technology, Business Applications, and Leadership Development.
  • Have confidence in an exceptional 95% approval rating from our students, reflecting outstanding satisfaction with our course content, program support, and overall customer service.
  • Benefit from being taught by Professionally Certified Instructors with expertise in their fields and a strong commitment to making sure you learn and succeed.

Please note that this list of topics is based on our standard course offering, evolved from typical industry uses and trends. We’ll work with you to tune this course and level of coverage to target the skills you need most.

  1. Introduction to Data Analysis
  • Fundamentals of data analysis
  • Statistical foundations
  • Setting up a virtual environment
  1. Working with Pandas DataFrames
  • Pandas data structures
  • Bringing data into a pandas DataFrame
  • Inspecting a DataFrame object
  • Grabbing subsets of the data
  • Adding and removing data
  1. Data Wrangling with Pandas
  • What is data wrangling?
  • Collecting temperature data
  • Cleaning up the data
  • Restructuring the data
  • Handling duplicate, missing, or invalid data
  1. Aggregating Pandas DataFrames
  • Database-style operations on DataFrames
  • DataFrame operations
  • Aggregations with pandas and numpy
  • Time series
  1. Visualizing Data with Pandas and Matplotlib
  • An introduction to matplotlib
  • Plotting with pandas
  • The pandas.plotting subpackage
  1. Plotting with Seaborn and Customization Techniques
  • Utilizing seaborn for advanced plotting
  • Formatting
  • Customizing visualizations
  1. Financial Analysis – Bitcoin and the Stock Market
  • Building a Python package
  • Data extraction with pandas
  • Exploratory data analysis
  • Technical analysis of financial instruments
  • Modeling performance
  1. Rule-Based Anomaly Detection
  • Simulating login attempts
  • Exploratory data analysis
  • Rule-based anomaly detection
  1. Getting Started with Machine Learning in Python
  • Learning the lingo
  • Exploratory data analysis
  • Preprocessing data
  • Clustering
  • Regression
  • Classification
  1. Making Better Predictions – Optimizing Models
  • Hyperparameter tuning with grid search
  • Feature engineering
  • Ensemble methods
  • Inspecting classification prediction confidence
  • Addressing class imbalance
  • Regularization
  1. Machine Learning Anomaly Detection
  • Exploring the data
  • Unsupervised methods
  • Supervised methods
  • Online learning
  1. The Road Ahead
  • Data resources
  • Practicing working with data
  • Python practice

This course is approximately 50% hands-on, combining expert lecture, real-world demonstrations and group discussions with machine-based practical labs and exercises.  Our engaging instructors and mentors are highly experienced practitioners who bring years of current “on-the-job” experience into every classroom.

Working in a hands-on learning environment, guided by our expert team, attendees will learn to:

  • Understand how data analysts and scientists gather and analyze data
  • Perform data analysis and data wrangling using Python
  • Combine, group, and aggregate data from multiple sources
  • Create data visualizations with pandas, matplotlib, and seaborn
  • Apply machine learning (ML) algorithms to identify patterns and make predictions
  • Use Python data science libraries to analyze real-world datasets
  • Use pandas to solve common data representation and analysis problems
  • Build Python scripts, modules, and packages for reusable analysis code
  • Perform efficient data analysis and manipulation tasks using pandas
  • Apply pandas to different real-world domains with the help of step-by-step demonstrations
  • Get accustomed to using pandas as an effective data exploration tool.

Need different skills or topics?  If your team requires different topics or tools, additional skills or custom approach, this course may be further adjusted to accommodate.  We offer additional python, data science, AI / machine learning and other related topics that may be blended with this course for a track that best suits your needs. Our team will collaborate with you to understand your needs and will target the course to focus on your specific learning objectives and goals.

This course is geared for Python-experienced attendees who wish to be equipped with the skills you need to use pandas to ensure the veracity of your data, visualize it for effective decision-making, and reliably reproduce analyses across multiple datasets.

Students should have skills at least equivalent to the following course(s) or should have attended as a pre-requisite:

  • Understanding Data Science | A Technical Overview
  • Introduction to Python Programming
Ten (10) business days’ notice is required to reschedule a class with no additional fees. Notify TOPTALENT LEARNING as soon as possible at 469-721-6100 or by written notification to to avoid rescheduling penalties.
Please contact our team at 469-721-6100; we will gladly guide you through the online purchasing process.
You will receive a receipt and an enrollment confirmation sent to the email you submitted at purchase. Your enrollment email will have instructions on how to access the class. Any additional questions our team is here to support you. Please call us at 469-721-6100.
If a student is 15 minutes late, they risk losing their seat to a standby student. If a student is 30 minutes late or more, they will need to reschedule. A no-show fee will apply. Retakes are enrolled on a stand-by basis. The student must supply previously issued courseware. Additional fees may apply.
You will receive a ‘Certificate of Completion’ once you complete the class. If you purchased an exam voucher for the class, a team member from TOPTALENT LEARNING will reach out to discuss your readiness for the voucher and make arrangements to send it.