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Machine Learning Foundation (Math Emphasis) | Exploring Statistics, Algorithms and Neural Networks (TTML5504)

Machine Learning Foundation is a hands-on introduction to the mathematics and algorithms used in Data Science, as well as creating the foundation and building the intuition necessary for solving complex machine learning problems.  The course provides a good kick start in several core areas with the intent on continued, deeper learning as a follow on. This “skills-centric” course is about 50% hands-on lab and 50% lecture, with extensive practical exercises designed to reinforce fundamental skills, concepts and best practices taught throughout the course.  Throughout the course students will learn about and explore popular machine learning algorithms, their applicability and limitations and practical application of these methods in a machine learning environment.

Although this course is highly technical in nature, it is a foundation-level machine learning class for Intermediate skilled team members who are relatively new to AI and machine learning. This course as-is is not for advanced participants.

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