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Securing Databases | Database Security

From ransomware and constant data breaches to state-sponsored attacks, we are under constant and increasing pressure. Retailers, financial institutions, government agencies, high-tech companies, and many others are paying the price for poor application security – financial losses and eroding trust. The developer community must take ownership of these problems and change our perspective of defensive measures and how we design, development, and maintain software applications.

Securing Databases is an essential training course for DBAs and developers who need to produce secure database applications and manage secure databases. Data, databases, and related resources are at the heart of most IT infrastructures.  These assets can have high value from a business, regulatory, and liability perspective, and must be protected accordingly.  This course showcases demonstrations on how to repeatedly attack and then defend various assets associated with a fully functional database.  This approach illustrates the mechanics of how to secure databases in the most practical of terms.

This course introduces the most common security vulnerabilities faced by databases today. Throughout the course, you’ll examine each vulnerability from a database perspective through a process of describing the threat and attack mechanisms, recognizing associated vulnerabilities, and then designing, implementing, and testing effective defenses.  Multiple practical demonstrations reinforce these concepts with real vulnerabilities and attacks.  You’ll also learn how to design and implement the layered defenses needed to defend your own databases. You’ll exit this course with the skills required to recognize actual and potential database vulnerabilities, implement defenses for those vulnerabilities, and test those defenses for sufficiency.

10/30/20249:00 AM – 5:00 PM CT$1,895.00
10/30/20249:00 AM – 5:00 PM CT$1,895.00

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