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SharePoint – Site Owner with Microsoft Forms and Flow (Modern Experience)

This course will empower you to use Microsoft® SharePoint® online to facilitate collaboration and allow you to use familiar applications and web-based tools to create, access, store, and track documents and data in a central location. Enable and configure SharePoints many distinct features and discover the many content structures that can be selected, added, and configured. Learn how to create, configure, and manage SharePoint sites so that your team or organization can share information and collaborate effectively.

SharePoint content structures and configuration options are complex. As a site owner, it is critical that you understand what features, options, and content structures are available in SharePoint online, and how to properly configure them. With SharePoint sites, features, and content structures properly implemented, you will be able to securely share files, collaborate on documents, and access the information you need to work with your colleagues more effectively.

This course may earn a Credly Badge.


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