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Beginning Programming All-in-One

Beginning Programming All-in-One For Dummies is your gateway to the world of programming. Whether you’re a complete beginner or have some prior knowledge, this course offers a comprehensive introduction to computer programming fundamentals and various programming languages. It provides interactive lessons, quizzes, and hands-on labs, ensuring an engaging and practical learning experience. This course equips you with the essential skills to understand the basics of coding and problem-solving, making it easy to dive into the world of computer programming.
Beginning Programming All-in-One
Test Prep
65+ LiveLab | 11+ Video tutorials | 24+ Minutes

Why choose TOPTALENT?


Lessons 1:

  • About This Course
  • False Assumptions
  • Icons Used in This Course
  • Where to Go from Here

Lessons 2:
Getting Started Programming a Computer

  • How Computer Programming Works
  • The History of Computer Programming
  • Figuring Out Programming

Lessons 3:
Different Methods for Writing Programs

  • Spaghetti Programming
  • Structured Programming
  • Event-Driven Programming
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Using Protocol-Oriented Programming
  • Design Patterns

Lessons 4:
Types of Programming Languages

  • Your First Language
  • Curly-Bracket Languages
  • Artificial Intelligence Languages
  • Scripting Languages
  • Database Programming Languages
  • Comparing Programming Languages

Lessons 5:
Programming Tools

  • Choosing a Compiler
  • Finding an Interpreter
  • Compiling to a Virtual Machine
  • Writing a Program with an Editor
  • Fixing a Program with a Debugger
  • Saving Time with Third-Party Components
  • Optimizing a Program with a Profiler
  • Managing Source Code
  • Creating a Help File
  • Installing a Program
  • Dissecting Programs with a Disassembler

Lessons 6:
How Programs Work

  • Using Keywords as Building Blocks
  • Organizing a Program
  • Dividing a Program into Subprograms
  • Dividing a Program into Objects
  • Creating a User Interface

Lessons 7:
Variables, Data Types, and Constants

  • Using Different Data Types
  • Storing Data in a Variable
  • Retrieving Data from a Variable
  • Using Constant Values
  • Defining the Scope of a Variable

Lessons 8:
Manipulating Data

  • Storing Data with the Assignment Operator
  • Using Math to Manipulate Numbers
  • Manipulating Strings
  • Finding Strings with Regular Expressions
  • Using Comparison Operators
  • Using Boolean Operators
  • Converting Data Types

Lessons 9:
Making Decisions by Branching

  • Picking One Choice with the IF-THEN Statement
  • Picking Two Choices with the IF-THEN-ELSE Statement
  • Picking Three or More Choices with the IF-THEN-ELSEIF Statement
  • Playing with Multiple Boolean Operators
  • Making Multiple Choices with the SELECT CASE Statement

Lessons 10:
Repeating Commands by Looping

  • Looping a Fixed Number of Times with the FOR-NEXT Loop
  • Looping Zero or More Times with the WHILE Loop
  • Looping at Least Once with the DO Loop
  • Playing with Nested Loops
  • Prematurely Exiting from a Loop
  • Checking Your Loops

Lessons 11:
Breaking a Large Program into Subprograms

  • Creating and Using Subprograms
  • Passing Parameters
  • Repeating a Subprogram with Recursion

Lessons 12:
Breaking a Large Program into Objects

  • How Object-Oriented Programming Works
  • Encapsulation Isolates Data and Subprograms
  • Sharing Code with Inheritance
  • Polymorphism: Modifying Code without Changing Its Name
  • Design Patterns
  • Object-Oriented Languages
  • Real-Life Programming Examples

Lessons 13:
Reading and Saving Files

  • Storing Data in Text Files
  • Storing Fixed-Size Data in Random-Access Files
  • Storing Varying-Size Data in Untyped Files
  • Using Database Files

Lessons 14:
Documenting Your Program

  • Adding Comments to Source Code
  • Writing Software Documentation

Lessons 15:
Principles of User Interface Design

  • The Evolution of User Interfaces
  • Elements of a User Interface
  • Designing a User Interface

Lessons 16:
Debugging and Testing

  • Common Types of Programming Errors
  • Debugging with Comments and Print Statements
  • Breakpoints, Stepping, and Watching
  • Testing Code

Lessons 17:
Structures and Arrays

  • Using Structures
  • Using an Array
  • Working with Resizable Arrays
  • Working with Multidimensional Arrays
  • Using Structures with Arrays
  • Drawbacks of Arrays

Lessons 18:
Sets and Linked Lists

  • Using Sets
  • Using Linked Lists
  • Drawbacks of Sets and Linked Lists

Lessons 19:
Collections and Dictionaries

  • Using a Collection
  • Using Dictionaries
  • Understanding Hash Tables

Lessons 20:
Stacks, Queues, and Deques

  • Using Stacks
  • Using Queues
  • Using Deques

Lessons 21:
Graphs and Trees

  • Understanding Graphs
  • Creating Trees
  • Taking Action on Trees

Lessons 22:
Sorting Algorithms

  • Using Bubble Sort
  • Using Selection Sort
  • Using Insertion Sort
  • Using Shell Sort
  • Using Heap Sort
  • Using Merge Sort
  • Using Quick Sort
  • Comparing Sorting Algorithms

Lessons 23:
Searching Algorithms

  • Sequential Search
  • Using Indexes
  • Adversarial Search

Lessons 24:
String Searching

  • Sequential Text Search
  • Searching with Regular Expressions
  • Searching Phonetically

Lessons 25:
Data Compression Algorithms

  • Lossless Data Compression Algorithms
  • Lossy Data Compression

Lessons 26:
Encryption Algorithms

  • How Encryption Works
  • The Basics of Encryption
  • Symmetric/Asymmetric Encryption Algorithms
  • Cracking Encryption

Lessons 27:
HyperText Markup Language

  • The Structure of an HTML Document
  • Adding Graphics
  • Defining the Background
  • Creating Hyperlinks
  • Making Tables

Lessons 28:

  • The Structure of a Stylesheet
  • Creating Style Classes
  • Separating Styles in Files
  • Cascading Stylesheets

Lessons 29:

  • The Structure of a JavaScript Program
  • Creating Comments
  • Declaring Variables
  • Using Operators
  • Branching Statements
  • Looping Statements
  • Creating Functions
  • Using Arrays
  • Designing User Interfaces

Lessons 30:

  • Examining the Structure of a PHP Program
  • Creating Comments
  • Declaring Variables
  • Using Operators
  • Branching Statements
  • Looping Statements
  • Creating Functions
  • Using Arrays
  • Creating Objects

Lessons 31:

  • The Structure of a Ruby Program
  • Creating Comments
  • Declaring Variables
  • Using Operators
  • Branching Statements
  • Looping Statements
  • Creating Functions
  • Using Data Structures
  • Creating Objects

Lessons 32:
C and C++

  • Looking at the Structure of a C/C++ Program
  • Creating Comments
  • Declaring Variables
  • Using Operators
  • Branching Statements
  • Looping Statements
  • Creating Functions
  • Data Structures
  • Using Objects

Lessons 33:
Java and C#

  • Looking at the Structure of a Java/C# Program
  • Creating Comments
  • Declaring Variables
  • Using Operators
  • Branching Statements
  • Looping Statements
  • Creating Functions
  • Data Structures
  • Using Objects

Lessons 34:
Perl and Python