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Microsoft Powerpoint 2021

In the Microsoft Power 2021 course, you’ll learn how to use Powerpoint 2021 to create engaging and dynamic multimedia presentations. The Microsoft Word course and lab are intended for students who want to use the vast array of features and functionality contained within PowerPoint 2021, gain the ability to organize their content, enhance it with high-impact visuals, and deliver it with a punch.
Microsoft Powerpoint 2021
Test Prep
25+ Pre Assessment Questions | 36+ Post Assessment Questions |
38+ LiveLab | 36+ Video tutorials | 23+ Minutes

Why choose TOPTALENT?


Lessons 1:
About This Course

  • Course Description

Lessons 2:
Getting Started with PowerPoint 2021

  • Topic A: Navigate the PowerPoint Environment
  • Topic B: View and Navigate a Presentation
  • Topic C: Create and Save a Basic Presentation
  • Topic D: Use PowerPoint Help

Lessons 3:
Developing a PowerPoint Presentation

  • Topic A: Create Presentations
  • Topic B: Edit Text
  • Topic C: Work with Slides
  • Topic D: Design a Presentation

Lessons 4:
Formatting Text

  • Topic A: Format Characters
  • Topic B: Format Paragraphs

Lessons 5:
Adding and Arranging Graphical Elements

  • Topic A: Insert Images
  • Topic B: Insert Shapes
  • Topic C: Create SmartArt
  • Topic D: Insert Stock Media, Icons, and 3D Models
  • Topic E: Size, Group, and Arrange Objects

Lessons 6:
Modifying Graphical Elements

  • Topic A: Format Images
  • Topic B: Format Shapes
  • Topic C: Customize SmartArt
  • Topic D: Format Icons
  • Topic E: Format 3D Models
  • Topic F: Animate Objects

Lessons 7:
Preparing to Deliver Your Presentation

  • Topic A: Review Your Presentation
  • Topic B: Apply Transitions
  • Topic C: Print or Export a Presentation
  • Topic D: Deliver Your Presentation

Appendix A: Microsoft® PowerPoint® Common Keyboard Shortcuts

Appendix B: Guidelines for Presentation Design

  • Appendix Introduction
  • Topic A: Presentation Design Principles