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PHP Fundamentals

PHP is a popular general purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development. It can evaluate data sent from a browser, build custom web content to serve the browser, talk to a database, and even send and receive cookies (little packets of information that a browser uses to remember things). PHP can power everything from your blog to the most popular websites in the world. You can mix it with HTML or it can be used in combination with various template engines and web frameworks. This is a must-have coding language for any developer.

  • Price: $1,395.00
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Delivery Methods: Virtual
Date Time Price Option
Please contact us at or 469-721-6100 for this course schedule.
For questions call: (469) 721-6100

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  • Get assistance every step of the way from our Texas-based team, ensuring your training experience is hassle-free and aligned with your goals.
  • Access an expansive range of over 3,000 training courses with a strong focus on Information Technology, Business Applications, and Leadership Development.
  • Have confidence in an exceptional 95% approval rating from our students, reflecting outstanding satisfaction with our course content, program support, and overall customer service.
  • Benefit from being taught by Professionally Certified Instructors with expertise in their fields and a strong commitment to making sure you learn and succeed.
Overview Of PHP
  • Static vs. Dynamic Web Sites
  • Dynamic Content from Databases
  • Developing Dynamic Internet Applications
  • Client-Side Scripting vs. Server-Side Scripting
  • Overview of PHP Advantages and Capabilities
  • Configuring php.ini
  • PHP vs. ASP
Basic Scripting and Looping Constructs
  • PHP Scripting Fundamentals
  • Print Statement
  • Code Blocks
  • Primitive Data Types
  • Defining Constants and Variables
  • Looping Constructs
  • while
  • do… while
  • for
  • exit and break
Conditional Constructs
  • True and False Expressions
  • if, else and elseif
  • switch/case Statement
  • The ? (Ternary) Operator
  • Timestamps
Modularity through Include Files
  • Using Include Files
  • The Require Statement
  • Modularizing Code with Functions
  • Defining and Using Basic Functions
PHP Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Relational Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Other Operators
  • PHP7 Null Coalescing operator
  • PHP7 Spaceship Operator
PHP Functions
  • Introduction to Functions
  • Declaring Functions
  • Scope
  • Passing Arguments to Functions
  • Local and Global Scope
  • Passing Arguments to Functions by Value and Reference
  • Variable Scoping and Return Values
  • Recursion
  • Coercive and Strict Type Declarations for Parameters and Return Values
  • Optional and REST Parameters
  • Argument Unpacking
  • Generator Return Expressions
  • Dynamic Function Calls
  • Predefined PHP Functions
Working with Databases and Forms
  • Configuring PHP For Database Support
  • PHP’s Database APIs
  • MySQL vs. Access
  • MySQL vs. SQL Server
  • Database Drivers
  • Database Driver Class Wrappers
  • ODBC
  • Simple SQL Queries via PHP
  • Tracking Visitors with Session IDs
  • Populating Forms
  • Retrieving Data from Forms
Arrays in PHP
  • What are Arrays?
  • Usage of Arrays in PHP
  • Array Indexing
  • Initializing Arrays
  • Operating on Arrays
  • Sorting Arrays
  • One-Dimensional Arrays
  • Multi-Dimensional Arrays
  • Associative Arrays
  • Array Functions
  • Forms and Arrays in Web Applications
Basic OOP in PHP
  • Defining Object Oriented Programming
  • Creating New Objects in PHP
  • PHP Object Syntax
  • Using Predefined PHP OOP Libraries
Writing OOP With PHP
  • Implementing New Classes
  • Extending Classes
  • Understanding Private, Public and Protected
  • Inheriting Methods and Properties
  • Overriding Methods and Properties
Working with Data Files in PHP
  • Searching File Contents With Regular Expressions
  • Changing and Editing File Contents
  • Splitting and Joining Information Inside Files
  • String Functions
  • Regular Expression Functions
  • Reading, Writing and Deleting Files
  • Handling File Permissions
  • File Locking
  • Reading Directory Contents
  • Creating and Deleting Directories
Enabling E-Commerce
  • Required Characteristics of an E-Commerce Site
  • Authentication and Authorization
  • Data Validation
  • Building a Custom Shopping Cart
  • Persisting Shopping Cart Data Over Multiple Pages
  • Criteria for Evaluating Third Party Shopping Cart Solutions
  • Open Source vs. Commercial Shopping Cart Solutions
  • Order Processing via the Web
  • Implementing Order System Security using SSL
  • Using Mail Servers (SMTP and Sendmail) for Client Communication
  • Configuring E-mail Output Parameters
Configuring and Using MySQL
  • MySQL as a Client/Server Solution
  • Introduction to MySQL Capabilities as a Powerful RDBMS
  • Installing and Configuring MySQL
  • Connecting to MySQL
  • PHP Functions Specific to MySQL
  • Executing SQL Calls
  • Using PHP MyAdmin to Configure MySQL
Using Cookies with PHP
  • Purpose of Cookies
  • Cookie Myths
  • Setting Cookies
  • Retrieving Cookies
  • Expiring Cookies
  • Deleting Cookies
  • Storing Arrays in Cookies
Miscellaneous PHP Tasks
  • Error Logging
  • Session Management and Maintaining State
  • Web Application Architecture
  • Using Environment Variables
  • Changing Execution by Redirecting to Other URLs
  • Embedding JavaScript within PHP
  • Using the HTTP Protocols to Pass Data
  • Showing Different Content to Different Browsers
  • Getting IP Addresses from Visitors
Implementing RESTful Servers with PHP
  • Understanding RESTful Servers
  • Benefits of PHP for Implementing RESTful Servers
  • Using HTTP Verbs to Access Data
  • Understanding RESTful URIs
  • Defining PHP Objects to Access RESTful URIs
  • Effective Use of OOP Inheritance
  • Implementing a RESTful Server in PHP for a Small Application
  • Overview Of PHP
  • Basic Scripting and Looping Constructs
  • Conditional Constructs
  • Modularity through Include Files
  • PHP Operators
  • PHP Functions
  • Working with Databases and Forms
  • Arrays in PHP
  • Basic OOP in PHP
  • Writing OOP With PHP
  • Working with Data Files in PHP
  • Enabling E-Commerce
  • Configuring and Using MySQL
  • Using Cookies with PHP
  • Miscellaneous PHP Tasks
  • Implementing RESTful Servers with PHP

No special instructions regarding this course’s target audience provided. Please contact us to discuss if you are unsure whether this course is for you!

Basic computer skills and knowledge of HTML fundamentals are required. Prior programming experience is also helpful.

Ten (10) business days’ notice is required to reschedule a class with no additional fees. Notify TOPTALENT LEARNING as soon as possible at 469-721-6100 or by written notification to to avoid rescheduling penalties.
Please contact our team at 469-721-6100; we will gladly guide you through the online purchasing process.
You will receive a receipt and an enrollment confirmation sent to the email you submitted at purchase. Your enrollment email will have instructions on how to access the class. Any additional questions our team is here to support you. Please call us at 469-721-6100.
If a student is 15 minutes late, they risk losing their seat to a standby student. If a student is 30 minutes late or more, they will need to reschedule. A no-show fee will apply. Retakes are enrolled on a stand-by basis. The student must supply previously issued courseware. Additional fees may apply.
You will receive a ‘Certificate of Completion’ once you complete the class. If you purchased an exam voucher for the class, a team member from TOPTALENT LEARNING will reach out to discuss your readiness for the voucher and make arrangements to send it.