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Python is a popular general purpose programming language. It is used in machine learning, web development, desktop applications, and many other fields. Fortunately for beginning programmers, Python has a simple, easy-to-use syntax. This makes Python a great language to learn to start your computer coding career. Course taught by an expert computer coding Instructor.

  • Price: $2,300.00
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Delivery Methods: Virtual
Date Time Price Option
Please contact us at or 469-721-6100 for this course schedule.
For questions call: (469) 721-6100

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  • Get assistance every step of the way from our Texas-based team, ensuring your training experience is hassle-free and aligned with your goals.
  • Access an expansive range of over 3,000 training courses with a strong focus on Information Technology, Business Applications, and Leadership Development.
  • Have confidence in an exceptional 95% approval rating from our students, reflecting outstanding satisfaction with our course content, program support, and overall customer service.
  • Benefit from being taught by Professionally Certified Instructors with expertise in their fields and a strong commitment to making sure you learn and succeed.
An Overview of Python
  • What is Python?
  • An overview of Python
  • What is python?
  • Python Timeline
  • Advantages/Disadvantages of Python
  • Getting help with Pydoc
The Python Environment
  • Starting Python
  • Using the interpreter
  • Running a Python script
  • Python scripts on Unix/Windows
  • Editors and IDEs
Getting Started
  • Using variables
  • Built-in functions
  • Strings
  • Numbers
  • Converting among Types
  • Writing to the Screen
  • Command Line Parameters
Flow Control
  • About flow control
  • White Space
  • Conditional Expressions
  • The Is and Is Not Operators
  • Python’s Ternary Operator
  • Relational and Boolean operators
  • While Loops
  • Alternate Loop Exits
  • The Enumerate Function
  • List Comprehensions
  • About Sequences
  • Lists and List Methods
  • Tuples
  • Indexing and Slicing
  • Iterating through a Sequence
  • Sequence Functions, Keywords, and Operators
  • List Comprehensions
  • Generator Expressions
  • Nested sequences
Working with Files
  • File Overview
  • Opening a Text File
  • Reading a Text File
  • Writing to a Text File
  • Reading and Writing Raw (binary) Data
  • Converting Binary Data with Struct
Iterables, Dictionaries and Sets
  • About dictionaries
  • About sequences
  • Creating dictionaries
  • Iterating through a Dictionary
  • About Sets
  • Creating Sets
  • Working with Sets
Functions & Modules
  • Defining functions
  • Variable Scope
  • Global Variables
  • Function Parameters
  • Global and Local Scope
  • Nested Functions
  • Returning Values
  • Importing Values
  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Modulus and Floor Division
  • Assignment Operators
  • Built-in Math Functions
  • The Math Module
  • The Random Module
  • Seeding
Python Strings
  • Quotation Marks and Special Characters
  • String Indexing
  • Slicing Strings
  • Concatenation and Repetition
  • Common String Methods
  • String Formatting
  • Built-in String Function
  • The Sorted Function
  • Alternate Keys
  • Lambda Functions
  • Sorting Collections
  • Using Operator
  • Reverse sorting
Errors and Exception Handling
  • Syntax errors
  • Exceptions
  • Using try/catch/else/finally
  • Handling Multiple Exceptions
  • Ignoring Exceptions
Modules and Packages
  • The Import Statement
  • Module Search Path
  • Creating Modules
  • Using packages
  • Function and Module aliases
  • About o-o Programming
  • Defining classes
  • Constructors
  • Methods
  • Instance data
  • Properties
  • Class Methods and Data
Regular Expressions
  • RE Syntax Overview
  • RE Objects
  • Searching and Matching
  • Compilation Flags
  • Groups and Special Groups
  • Replacing Text
  • Splitting Strings
The Standard Library
  • The sys Module
  • Launching External Programs
  • Math Functions
  • Random Numbers
  • The String Module
  • Reading CSV Data
Dates and Times
  • Working with Dates and Times
  • Translating Timestamps
  • Parsing Dates from Text
  • Formatting Dates
  • Calendar Data
Working with The File System
  • Paths, Directories, and Filenames
  • Checking for Existence
  • Permissions and other File Attributes
  • Walking Directory Trees
  • Creating Filters with File Input
  • Using Shutil for File Operations
Advanced Data Handling
  • Defaultdict and Counter
  • Prettyprinting data structures
  • Compressed Archives (zip, gzip, tar, etc.)
  • Persistent Data
Network Services
  • Grabbing Web Content
  • Sending email
  • Using SSH for Remote Access
  • Using FTP
Writing Real-Life Applications
  • Parsing Command-Line Options
  • Detecting the Current Platform
  • Trapping Signals
  • Implementing Logging
  • Python Timeline
  • Advantages/Disadvantages of Python
  • Getting help with pydoc
Running Python Scripts from the Command Line
  • The sys Module
  • sys.argv
  • An Overview of Python
  • The Python Environment
  • Getting Started
  • Flow Control
  • Sequences
  • Working with Files
  • Iterables, Dictionaries and Sets
  • Functions & Modules
  • Math
  • Python Strings
  • Sorting
  • Errors and Exception Handling
  • Modules and Packages
  • Classes
  • Regular Expressions
  • The Standard Library
  • Dates and Times
  • Working with The File System
  • Advanced Data Handling
  • Network Services
  • Writing Real-Life Applications
  • Running Python Scripts from the Command Line

No special instructions regarding this course’s target audience provided. Please contact us to discuss if you are unsure whether this course is for you!

Basic knowledge of a Mac or PC computer is required. No computer coding knowledge is necessary.

Ten (10) business days’ notice is required to reschedule a class with no additional fees. Notify TOPTALENT LEARNING as soon as possible at 469-721-6100 or by written notification to to avoid rescheduling penalties.
Please contact our team at 469-721-6100; we will gladly guide you through the online purchasing process.
You will receive a receipt and an enrollment confirmation sent to the email you submitted at purchase. Your enrollment email will have instructions on how to access the class. Any additional questions our team is here to support you. Please call us at 469-721-6100.
If a student is 15 minutes late, they risk losing their seat to a standby student. If a student is 30 minutes late or more, they will need to reschedule. A no-show fee will apply. Retakes are enrolled on a stand-by basis. The student must supply previously issued courseware. Additional fees may apply.
You will receive a ‘Certificate of Completion’ once you complete the class. If you purchased an exam voucher for the class, a team member from TOPTALENT LEARNING will reach out to discuss your readiness for the voucher and make arrangements to send it.