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SQL (Structured Query Language) is the most popular database management system used for web projects as well as for accessing and manipulating data in relational databases. It is recognized by most desktop and enterprise database systems. This course will teach the participant all of the features of SQL as it relates to developers of web/mobile applications and websites. Course taught by an expert Computer Coding Instructor.

  • Price: $895.00
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Delivery Methods: Virtual
Date Time Price Option
Please contact us at or 469-721-6100 for this course schedule.
For questions call: (469) 721-6100

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  • Get assistance every step of the way from our Texas-based team, ensuring your training experience is hassle-free and aligned with your goals.
  • Access an expansive range of over 3,000 training courses with a strong focus on Information Technology, Business Applications, and Leadership Development.
  • Have confidence in an exceptional 95% approval rating from our students, reflecting outstanding satisfaction with our course content, program support, and overall customer service.
  • Benefit from being taught by Professionally Certified Instructors with expertise in their fields and a strong commitment to making sure you learn and succeed.
Relational Database Basics
  • Brief History of SQL
  • Relational Databases
  • Tables
  • Rows
  • Columns
  • Relationships
  • Datatypes
  • Primary Keys
  • Foreign Keys
  • Relational Database Management System
Popular Databases
  • Commercial Databases
  • Popular Open Source Databases
  • Valid Object References
SQL Statements
  • Database Manipulation Language (DML)
  • Database Definition Language (DDL)
  • Database Control Language (DCL)
  • Comments
  • Whitespace and Semi-colons
  • Case Sensitivity
  • Selecting All Columns in All Rows
  • Exploring the Tables
  • Selectinging Specific Columns
  • Selectinging Specific Columns
Sorting Records
  • Sorting By a Single Column
  • Sorting By Multiple Columns
  • Sorting By Column Position
  • Ascending and Descending Sorts
  • Sorting Results
The WHERE Clause and Operator Symbols
  • Checking for Equality
  • Checking for Inequality
  • Checking for Greater or Less Than
  • Checking for NULL
  • Using the WHERE clause to check for equality or inequality
  • Using the WHERE clause to check for greater or less than
  • Checking for NULL
  • Using WHERE and ORDER BY Together
The WHERE Clause and Operator Words
  • The BETWEEN Operator
  • The IN Operator
  • The LIKE Operator
  • The NOT Operator
  • Checking Multiple Conditions
  • AND
  • OR
  • Order of Evaluation
  • Writing SELECTs with Multiple Conditions
Advanced SELECTs
  • Calculated Fields
  • Concatenation
  • Mathematical Calculations
  • Aliases
Aggregate Functions and Grouping
  • Aggregate Functions
  • Grouping Data
  • Selecting Distinct Records
Built-in Data Manipulation Functions
  • Common Math Functions
  • Common String Functions
  • Common Date Functions
  • Data Manipulation Functions
Subqueries, Joins and Unions
  • Joins
  • Table Aliases
  • Multi-table Joins
  • Using Joins
  • Outer Joins
  • Unions
  • Union ALL
  • Union Rules
  • Working with Unions
  • Conditional Processing with CASE
  • Using CASE
  • Working with CASE
Inserting, Updating and Deleting Records
  • Inserting Records
  • Updating and Deleting Records
Creating and Modifying Tables
  • Data Types
  • Creating Tables
  • NULL Values
  • Primary Keys
  • Foreign Keys
  • Creating Tables
  • Adding and Dropping Columns
Renaming Tables
  • SQL Server
  • Dropping Tables
  • Creating Views InnoDB
  • Dropping Views
  • Benefits of Views
Stored Procedures
  • Creating Stored Procedures
  • Dropping Stored Procedures
  • Creating a Stored Procedure
  • Benefits of Stored Procedures
  • Relational Database Basics
  • Popular Databases
  • SQL Statements
  • Sorting Records
  • The WHERE Clause and Operator Symbols
  • The WHERE Clause and Operator Words
  • More SELECTs with WHERE
  • Advanced SELECTs
  • Aggregate Functions and Grouping
  • Built-in Data Manipulation Functions
  • Subqueries, Joins and Unions
  • Conditional Processing with CASE
  • Inserting, Updating and Deleting Records
  • Creating and Modifying Tables
  • Renaming Tables
  • Views
  • Stored Procedures

No special instructions regarding this course’s target audience provided. Please contact us to discuss if you are unsure whether this course is for you!

Basic computer literacy and previous experience with command-line programs are required. Some knowledge of database concepts, data retrieval and reporting would also be beneficial.

Ten (10) business days’ notice is required to reschedule a class with no additional fees. Notify TOPTALENT LEARNING as soon as possible at 469-721-6100 or by written notification to to avoid rescheduling penalties.
Please contact our team at 469-721-6100; we will gladly guide you through the online purchasing process.
You will receive a receipt and an enrollment confirmation sent to the email you submitted at purchase. Your enrollment email will have instructions on how to access the class. Any additional questions our team is here to support you. Please call us at 469-721-6100.
If a student is 15 minutes late, they risk losing their seat to a standby student. If a student is 30 minutes late or more, they will need to reschedule. A no-show fee will apply. Retakes are enrolled on a stand-by basis. The student must supply previously issued courseware. Additional fees may apply.
You will receive a ‘Certificate of Completion’ once you complete the class. If you purchased an exam voucher for the class, a team member from TOPTALENT LEARNING will reach out to discuss your readiness for the voucher and make arrangements to send it.