Swift iOS for Beginners
Enroll yourself in the Swift iOS for Beginners course to gain the skills and understanding required for iOS app development. The iOS development course covers topics such as test-driven development, and UI testing. The iOS app development course designed is for beginners with little experience who want to pursue a career in the exciting world of iOS development and but also for experienced Objective-C developers who want to learn the Swift programming language.
- Price: $159.99
- Delivery Method: eLearning
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Swift iOS for Beginners |
Test Prep
50+ Pre Assessment Questions |
50+ Post Assessment Questions |
33+ Videos |
05:20+ Hours
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Lessons 1:
Hello iOS!
- iOS Developer Essentials
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Lessons 2:
A Tour of Xcode and the iOS Simulator
- The Welcome Screen
- Creating a New Project
- An Overview of the Xcode IDE
- Features of the iOS Simulator
- Try It
Lessons 3:
Introducing Swift
- Introducing Xcode Playgrounds
- Constants and Variables
- Data Types
- Comments
- Strings
- Tuples
- Optionals
- Control Flow Statements
- Control Transfer Statements
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Lessons 4:
- Declaring Functions
- Parameters and Return Values
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Lessons 5:
- Function Types
- Closure Types
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Lessons 6:
Error Handling
- The ErrorType Protocol
- Throwing and Catching Errors
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Lessons 7:
Object-Oriented Programming with Swift
- Creating Classes with Swift
- Properties
- Methods
- Instantiating Objects
- Inheritance
- Computed Properties
- Enumerations
- Protocols
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Lessons 8:
Supporting Multiple Device Types
- Device Differences
- The Universal XCode Template
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Lessons 9:
Introduction to UIKit and Adaptive Layout
- Introducing the UIKit Framework
- Basic Constraints
- Previewing Your Layout
- Creating Outlets
- Creating Actions
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Lessons 10:
Introduction to Storyboards
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Lessons 11:
Handling User Input
- Text Fields
- Text Views
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Lessons 12:
Alert Views and Action Sheets
- Alert Views
- Action Sheets
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Lessons 13:
Adding Images to Your View
- The UIImage Class
- The UIImageView Class
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Lessons 14:
- Date Pickers
- Custom Pickers
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Lessons 15:
Navigation Controllers
- Adding a Navigation Controller to a Storyboard
- The Navigation Controller Interface
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Lessons 16:
Table Views
- Table View Appearance
- Creating a Table View with Interface Builder
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Lessons 17:
Collection Views
- Creating a Collection View with Interface Builder
- Collection View Cells
- Collection View Delegate and Data Source
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Lessons 18:
Tab Bars and Toolbars
- Creating a Tab Bar Controller
- Toolbars
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Lessons 19:
Creating Views That Scroll
- The UIScrollView Class
- Scroll Views and Text Fields
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Lessons 20:
Popovers and Modal Views
- Popovers
- Modal Views
- Try It
Lessons 21:
Touches and Gestures
- Touch Events
- Gesture Recognize