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Data Science Overview | Tools, Tech & Modern Roles in the Data Driven Enterprise (TTDS6000)

The Data Science & Big Data Overview | Tools, Tech & Modern Roles in the Data-Driven Enterprise is an introductory level course that introduces the entire multi-disciplinary Data Science team to the many evolving and related terms, with focus on Big Data, Data Science, Predictive Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Data Warehousing. The overview explores the current state of the art and science, the major components of a modern data science infrastructure, team roles and responsibilities, and level-setting realistic possible outcomes for your investment.   This goal of this course is to provide students with a baseline understanding of core concepts and technologies to a conversant level. 

What You’ll Learn

This course provides a high-level view of a variety of core, current data science related technologies, strategies, skillsets, initiatives and supporting tools in common business enterprise practices.  This list covers a general range of topics current to the time of course distribution. We will collaborate with your team to refine level of depth of coverage, understand areas of greater importance to your team, where you would like to add demos, etc.

10/24/20249:00 AM – 5:00 PM CT$895.00
12/05/20249:00 AM – 5:00 PM CT$895.00
10/24/20249:00 AM – 5:00 PM CT$895.00
12/05/20249:00 AM – 5:00 PM CT$895.00

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