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IT Specialist HTML and CSS

Gain hands-on experience in HTML and CSS with uCertify’s course IT Specialist HTML and CSS. The course contains interactive lessons, practice tests, knowledge checks, quizzes, flashcards, glossaries, and live labs to comprehensively cover the ITSPC exam objectives. It equips the candidates with all the skills required to pass the ITSPC HTML and CSS exam.
IT Specialist HTML and CSS
Test Prep
40+ Pre Assessment Questions | 2+ Full Length Tests | 40+ Post Assessment Questions | 80+ Practice Test Questions
82+ LiveLab | 82+ Video tutorials | 02:08+ Hours
98+ Videos | 03:06+ Hours

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Lessons 1:
HTML Fundamentals

  • Introduction to HTML
  • HTML5
  • Creating your First HTML Page
  • Introduction to Tags
  • Introduction to Elements
  • Introduction to Attributes
  • HTML Scripts
  • Summary

Lessons 2:
Getting Started with HTML

  • Structure of an HTML Program
  • Headings in HTML
  • Paragraphs in HTML
  • Lists in HTML
  • Comments
  • Metadata Elements Used in HTML
  • Summary

Lessons 3:
HTML Links

  • The Link Tag
  • Relative and Absolute Path
  • Linking with the Same Document
  • Linking Other Documents on the Web
  • Summary

Lessons 4:
Formatting Text

  • Structural Elements
  • The Thematic Break
  • The Line Break
  • Summary

Lessons 5:
CSS Fundamentals

  • Introduction to CSS
  • New Features Introduced in CSS3
  • Types of CSS
  • Summary

Lessons 6:
CSS Syntax and Selectors

  • CSS Syntax
  • CSS Selectors
  • Browser Support
  • Summary

Lessons 7:
Formatting Using CSS

  • The Box Model
  • Text Formatting
  • Font Properties
  • Border Properties
  • Adding Comments in CSS
  • Summary

Lessons 8:
Using Images

  • Introduction
  • The <img> Tag
  • Adding Alternative Text to Images
  • Adjusting Image Size
  • Using Images as Links
  • Using Images as Background
  • Using Images as Bullets
  • Summary

Lessons 9:
Creating Tables

  • HTML Table Tags
  • Adding Table Border
  • Setting Table Width and Height
  • Adding Color to a Table
  • Cell Padding and Spacing
  • Aligning Content of a Table
  • Formatting Table using Rowspan and Colspan
  • Advanced Tags
  • Summary

Lessons 10:
Building Forms

  • The <form> Tag
  • Form Elements
  • Input Types and Restrictions
  • Summary

Lessons 11:

  • The Video Element
  • The Audio Element
  • The Inline Frame Element
  • The Canvas Element
  • The SVG Element
  • Summary

Lessons 12:
Positioning Elements Using CSS

  • The Position Property
  • The Float Property
  • Overlapping Elements
  • The Overflow Property
  • Inline vs. Block
  • The Visibility Property
  • Summary

Lessons 13:
Responsive Web Design

  • What is Responsive Web Design?
  • Measuring Units
  • Percentage vs. Pixel
  • Custom Images
  • Media Queries
  • Framework and Template
  • Summary