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Microsoft Excel 2019

Start your prep for the MO-200 exam with the Microsoft Excel 2019 course and lab. The lab is cloud-based, device-enabled, and can easily be integrated with an LMS. The Microsoft Excel certification course and labs thoroughly cover the MO-200 exam objectives and provide the ability to create and edit a workbook with multiple sheets and use a graphic element to represent data visually. The study guide provides hands-on learning on the basic and advanced concepts covered in the Microsoft Excel certification exam.
Microsoft Excel 2019
Test Prep
28+ Pre Assessment Questions | 28+ Post Assessment Questions |
50+ LiveLab | 106+ Video tutorials | 01:47+ Hours
58+ Videos | 05:41+ Hours

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Lessons 1:

Lessons 2:

  • Module A: Getting around
  • Module B: Workbook basics
  • Summary

Lessons 3:
Creating worksheets

  • Module A: Entering data
  • Module B: Formulas
  • Module C: Functions
  • Module D: Moving and copying data
  • Module E: Reference types
  • Summary

Lessons 4:

  • Module A: Text formatting
  • Module B: Number formatting
  • Module C: Alignment
  • Module D: Borders and highlighting
  • Module E: Styles and themes
  • Summary

Lessons 5:
Manipulating data

  • Module A: Data entry shortcuts
  • Module B: Paste options
  • Module C: Inserting, deleting, and hiding
  • Summary

Lessons 6:

  • Module A: Creating charts
  • Module B: Chart types and elements
  • Summary

Lessons 7:

  • Module A: Managing worksheet windows
  • Module B: Printing worksheets
  • Module C: Sharing workbooks
  • Summary

Lessons 8:
Settings and templates

  • Module A: Workbook options and properties
  • Module B: Templates
  • Summary

Lessons 9:

Lessons 10:
Managing workbooks

  • Module A: Managing worksheets
  • Module B: Customizing Excel
  • Summary

Lessons 11:
Named ranges

  • Module A: Using names in formulas
  • Summary

Lessons 12:

  • Module A: Sorting
  • Module B: Filtering tables
  • Module C: Structured references
  • Module D: Validation
  • Module E: Transposing data
  • Summary

Lessons 13:
Summarizing data

  • Module A: Consolidation
  • Module B: Subtotals
  • Summary

Lessons 14:

  • Module A: Creating and formatting PivotTables
  • Module B: Manipulating PivotTables
  • Module C: PivotCharts
  • Summary

Lessons 15:
Presentation features

  • Module A: Conditional formats
  • Module B: Custom Formats
  • Module C: Graphics
  • Summary

Lessons 16:
Advanced charts

  • Module A: Special chart types
  • Module B: Sparklines
  • Module C: Quick Analysis
  • Summary

Lessons 17:

  • Module A: Permissions
  • Module B: Shared workbooks
  • Summary

Lessons 18:

Lessons 19:
Logical and Lookup Functions

  • Module A: Decision-making functions
  • Module B: Lookup and reference functions
  • Summary

Lessons 20:
Advanced Formulas

  • Module A: Auditing and error-trapping
  • Module B: Formula options
  • Module C: Arrays
  • Summary

Lessons 21:
Special functions

  • Module A: Date and time functions
  • Module B: Text functions
  • Module C: Other functions
  • Summary

Lessons 22:
Importing and Exporting

  • Module A: The Power Pivot Data Model
  • Module B: Exporting data
  • Summary

Lessons 23:

  • Module A: What-if analysis
  • Module B: The Analysis Toolpak
  • Summary

Lessons 24:
Macros and Forms

  • Module A: Recording macros
  • Module B: Running macros
  • Module C: Forms
  • Summary

Appendix: Exam Objective MO-201

  • Exam Objective