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Microsoft Word 2021

In the Microsoft Word 2021 course, you’ll learn how to use Word 2021 to create and edit simple documents; format documents; add tables and lists; add design elements and layout options; and proof documents. The Microsoft Word course and lab are intended for students who want to learn essential Word 2021 skills, such as creating, editing, and formatting documents; inserting simple tables and creating lists, and employing a variety of techniques for improving the appearance and accuracy of document content.
Microsoft Word 2021
Test Prep
25+ Pre Assessment Questions | 25+ Post Assessment Questions |
39+ LiveLab | 64+ Video tutorials | 54+ Minutes

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Lessons 1:
About This Course

  • Course Description

Lessons 2:
Getting Started with Word 2021

  • Topic A: Navigate in Microsoft Word
  • Topic B: Create and Save Word Documents
  • Topic C: Manage Your Workspace
  • Topic D: Edit Documents
  • Topic E: Preview and Print Documents
  • Topic F: Customize the Word Environment

Lessons 3:
Formatting Text and Paragraphs

  • Topic A: Apply Character Formatting
  • Topic B: Control Paragraph Layout
  • Topic C: Align Text Using Tabs
  • Topic D: Display Text in Bulleted or Numbered Lists
  • Topic E: Apply Borders and Shading

Lessons 4:
Working More Efficiently

  • Topic A: Make Repetitive Edits
  • Topic B: Apply Repetitive Formatting
  • Topic C: Use Styles to Streamline Repetitive Formatting Tasks

Lessons 5:
Managing Lists

  • Topic A: Sort a List
  • Topic B: Format a List

Lessons 6:
Adding Tables

  • Topic A: Insert a Table
  • Topic B: Modify a Table
  • Topic C: Format a Table
  • Topic D: Convert Text to a Table

Lessons 7:
Inserting Graphic Objects

  • Topic A: Insert Symbols and Special Characters
  • Topic B: Add Images to a Document

Lessons 8:
Controlling Page Appearance

  • Topic A: Apply a Page Border and Color
  • Topic B: Add Headers and Footers
  • Topic C: Control Page Layout
  • Topic D: Add a Watermark

Lessons 9:
Preparing to Publish a Document

  • Topic A: Check Spelling, Grammar, and Readability
  • Topic B: Use Research Tools
  • Topic C: Check Accessibility
  • Topic D: Save a Document to Other Formats

Appendix A: Microsoft® Office Word 2021 Common Keyboard Shortcuts