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Power BI: Data Analysis Professional

Use Power BI: Data Analysis Professional course and lab to explore and visualize data with Power BI. The lab is cloud-based, device-enabled, and can easily be integrated with an LMS. The Power BI course provides knowledge and skills required to analyze data with self-service BI, connect to data sources, perform advanced data modeling and shaping, perform advanced analysis, publish and share reports and dashboards, extend access to Power BI, and more.
Power BI: Data Analysis Professional
Test Prep
50+ Pre Assessment Questions | 50+ Post Assessment Questions |
26+ LiveLab | 26+ Video tutorials | 02:02+ Hours

Why choose TOPTALENT?


Lessons 1:

  • Course Description
  • How to Use This course
  • Course-Specific Technical Requirements

Lessons 2:
Analyzing Data with Self-Service BI

  • Topic A: Data Analysis and Visualization for Business Intelligence
  • Topic B: Self-Service BI with Microsoft Power BI
  • Summary

Lessons 3:
Connecting to Data Sources

  • Topic A: Create Data Connections
  • Topic B: Configure and Manage Data Relationships
  • Topic C: Save Files in Power BI
  • Summary

Lessons 4:
Performing Data Cleaning, Profiling, and Shaping

  • Topic A: Clean, Transform, and Load Data with the Query Editor
  • Topic B: Profile Data with the Query Editor
  • Topic C: Shape Data with the Query Editor
  • Topic D: Combine and Manage Data Rows
  • Summary

Lessons 5:
Visualizing Data with Power BI

  • Topic A: Create Visualizations in Power BI
  • Topic B: Chart Data in Power BI
  • Summary

Lessons 6:
Enhancing Data Analysis

  • Topic A: Customize Visuals and Pages
  • Topic B: Incorporate Tooltips
  • Summary

Lessons 7:
Modeling Data with Calculations

  • Topic A: Create Calculations with Data Analysis Expressions (DAX)
  • Topic B: Create Calculated Measures and Conditional Columns
  • Summary

Lessons 8:
Creating Interactive Visualizations

  • Topic A: Create and Manage Data Hierarchies
  • Topic B: Filter and Slice Reports
  • Topic C: Create Dashboards
  • Summary

Lessons 9:
Using Advanced Analysis Techniques

  • Topic A: Create Calculated Tables, Variables, and Parameters
  • Topic B: Enhance Visuals with Statistical Analysis
  • Topic C: Perform Advanced Analysis
  • Summary

Lessons 10:
Enhancing Reports and Dashboards

  • Topic A: Enhance Reports
  • Topic B: Enhance Dashboards
  • Summary

Lessons 11:
Publishing and Sharing Reports and Dashboards

  • Topic A: Publish Reports
  • Topic B: Create and Manage Workspaces
  • Topic C: Share Reports and Dashboards
  • Summary

Lessons 12:
Extending Power BI Beyond the Desktop

  • Topic A: Use Power BI Mobile
  • Topic B: Extend Access with the Power BI API
  • Summary